Task Tuesday: Gearing up for the holidays


Been meeting with pediatricians. That is a weird thing, because I have never lived in a place that actually had choices. Small town girl here! It is awesome. The second they are rude or don’t actually listen to a question, I can basically say, “hey, have a nice day,” and walk out. Aside from that, dentist, eye doc, prenatal visits, the vet, along with all of the other crazy of holiday shopping and cooking and friends and parties and baby showers…. ahhhhhh. No time.

I got a ton done last week, we went through our summer and winter clothes! Finally!

+Meals: pizza, crispy cheddar chicken, salmon patties, bean casserole, sloppy joes

+finish setting up pediatrician appointments

Aside from that, just focusing on surviving the business with almost no sleep.

Have a great week!


Task Tuesday

Well, due to schedules and the kindof ridiculous size roast I made, we are still eating leftovers from last week. This is awesome for a number of reasons. 1. I do not have to buy as much meat for this week. 2. I only have to run to the store for more fruits/veggies and things we are running low on. 3. I get to go to Trader Joe’s this week to shop!!


+Meal plan for the week:

Tuesday: steak quesadillas with leftover meat

Wednesday: parmesian crusted tilapia

Thursday: chili with rice

Friday: pizza

And still on the list from last week…

+Make pizza dough for freezer/Friday (I make a big batch. Recipe from the amazing Marley…)

+Organize winter and summer clothes


And new goals/plans:

+hostess gifts for baby showers (will share the cute ideas I found after said showers!)

+Get GIANT AMAZING CALDENAR IN THE MAIL. Seriously. So. Excited. http://www.neuyear.net/ This will make me the most organized human on the planet.

+Research vaccines and delayed/alternative schedules. I will write more about this later, it is pretty dang interesting.

Hope you are having a productive and awesome week! What are your tips for staying organized and cooking meals?